1. 1. What is "Side-Taste"?

  2. What's Experimental or developed Taste before the final Recipe and Technology is confirmed.

  3. Good Gut Bubb will never sell rotten or outdated products. You can be sure it is worthy to drink.

  4. It only might have Taste-twist by comparing to Our expectations.

  1. 2. What shipping modes are available Now?

  2. At the moment there is no option for the Courier delivery.

  3. However, we can get agreement on case-by-case basis on Wed or Fri.

  4. And there is always a pick-up option from S. Kerbedžio str. in Vilnius.

  1. 3. What is Deposit Fee paid for and how to claim it back?

  2. Good Gut Bubb wants to be a part of a Responsible Waste Management.

  3. Even the glass might be fully recyled, it requires huge energy resources to do that.

  4. That's why we reuse Our bottles for as many times as they are valid.

  5. Deposit fee is not charged when products are replaced to new ones.

  6. Deposit is paid back if bottles are returned to Good Gut Bubb hands.